Disco is Dead — short documentary, 2017 (TV)

A VICE Original Documentary about rural youth, migration and the disappearance of the discotheque. Disco is Dead.
More and more young people from Romania, especially from rural areas, leave the country, leaving behind deserted villages or, at best, some houses with forgotten grandparents. This mass migration wave has consequences on the life of the village, and one of them is the death of the discotheque. Built over the former communist ”cultural homes” or over the bars and pubs of the 90s, the discos in the country have seen love, sex and beatings like in the movies. But that’s already history. Alina Manolache, the director of the documentary “Disco is Dead”, looked for those places where the light is still on for the remaining young people.
Delia Marinescu, VICE
What does a Saturday Night look like nowadays in a village disco?
Festivals and exhibitions
VICE, Online Premiere
Cast & Crew
Cast: Valer Simion Cosma, Roxana Pupeză, Andreea Pupeză, Victor Hovrea
Director: Alina Manolache
Producer: Mihai Mincan
Director of photography: Laurențiu Răducanu
Editor: Gabi Basalici
Executive producer: Alex Coteț