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3 Dialogues About the Future — short film, 2022

What can artificial intelligence teach us, perhaps about ourselves?
3 Dialogues About the Future shifts the focus and lets the robots do the talking, exploring their learning processes and how they understand and relate to humanity. But in the three pairs’ dialogues, behind algorithmic coldness, lies hidden warmth and tenderness. What does it mean to be human? For once, to be watched by artificial intelligence does not come with a sense of surveillance or danger, but, rather, it feels like a gesture of mutual affection.

 Credit: Alexandru Paul, courtesy of Gaep Gallery

Festivals and exhibitions

Bucharest International Experimental Film Festival, Romania, International Competition

Kasseler DokFest, Germany, “Simulamatter”, Official Selection

ENFF The Hague, The Netherlands, “Oneiric & Humorous”, Official Selection

GAEP Gallery, Romania, “The Domino Effect”, Gallery Exhibition

La Inesperada, Spain, “Atomica”, Official Selection

Glasgow Short Film Festival, Scotland, “The rise of the empathy machines”, Official Selection

Alpha Film Festival, Metaverse edition, “The Future”, Official Selection

KI-Camp Berlin, Germany, Special Screening as part of the Research convention for artificial intelligence

Vienna Shorts, Austria, “HALLO, ICH BIN’S, DIE KI!“, Official Selection

FEKK, Slovenia, International Competition

Bolton Film Festival, UK, International Competition

Helsinki International Film Festival, Finland, “Do Androids Dream?”, Official Selection

DTLA Film Festival, US, Official Competition – Awarded Best Experimental Film

IMPAKT Festival, The Netherlands, “Entangled Networks: Data Points”, Official Selection

Kyiv International Short Film Festival, Ukraine, “Nor Artificial, Nor Intelligent”, Official Selection

University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, “The Future of Work”, Conference and Exhibition

Cast & Crew

Director / Editor: Alina Manolache

Producers: Alina Manolache, Gabi Basalici 

Director of photography: Laurențiu Răducanu

Grading: Laurențiu Răducanu, Andrei Oană

Visual effects: Gabi Basalici

‘Robots observing human beings and witnessing both their virtues and their sins.’ – The List